Thursday, April 03, 2014

It Was A Breakthrough

So yesterday was a total breakthrough for me.

I have spent the last week with my (chosen) brother and his wife, and might I say I love those two people with all that I have in me.

Yesterday, my brother called me on something I was not even aware was happening. I was looking at concert tickets for a band I really, truly love and desperately wish to see. I was talking about how my family would likely purchase tickets for me if I asked them to, and how they give me practically anything I ask for.

He called me on keeping them at arms length, and not giving them the love and respect they deserve for the lengths they have gone to, to try to make my life better.

He was right, and what followed was an argument about being alone as a kid, and being hurt and lost and disconnected, and not wanting to let them have the opportunity to fuck up again. But he was right.

After two hours I called them and apologized for pushing them away and thanked them for the lengths they've gone to.


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